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Table of contents for files stored at this site. Actually two tables of
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For more ACIC files stored in the files areas of the arsenic discussion
groups at, please visit:

Arsenic-Contamination-Free Groundwater Source in Bangladesh,"
summary of presentation by Dipankar Chakraborti on 12 February 2001 at Dhaka
Community Hospital.
The use of alternative safe water options to
mitigate the arsenic problem in Bangladesh: a community perspective. Md.
Jakariya. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Geography, University of
Cambridge, 31 August.
Arsenic sections of Draft Development Strategy of
the National Water Management Plan [Bangladesh, Aug 2000]
Arsenic Contamination Free Groundwater Source In Bangladesh. D.
Chakraborti*, B. K. Biswas, G.K. Basu, U.K. Chowdhury, T. Roy Chowdhury, D. Lodh,
C.R. Chanda, B. K. Mandal, G. Samanta, A. K. Chakraborti, M. M. Rahman, K. Paul,
S. Roy, S. Kabir, B. Ahmed, R. Das, M. Salim, Q. Quamruzzaman. Journal of
Surface Science and Technology, Vol. 15, Nos. 3-4, 179-187.
Message from Dr.
Dipankar Chakraborti, Jadavpur University, Calcutta [29 Dec 99]. An update on recent field work and a plea for the arsenic-affected.
Executive Summary, Main Report Phase I,
Groundwater Studies of Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh. [1998]
Data on arsenic concentrations
at wells sampled by BGS during the "Groundwater studies for arsenic contamination
in Bangladesh." 2024 records. Two self-extracting zip versions of this file: (1) Excel
worksheet (.xls, 208kb) or (2) database
format (.dbf, 112kb).] Data is also available as an uncompressed 475kb .dbf
file directly from
BGS [I was unable
to read this file with MS-Access; so before downloading
you may want to set your browser's application preferences
to "save to disk" for files of type .dbf, then read it with MS-Excel.]
Each record contains: RIP_No, BGS_No, Longitude, Latitude, Geocode, District,
Thana, Union, Mouza, Year_Const, Well_Type, Date_Sampl, Depth_Ft, Geol_Unit,
Lithology, Provenance, Ast_Mg/L.
Terms of reference for technical
assistance, Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation - Water Supply Project (BAMWSP)
[1998] (scanned unofficial version)..
UNICEF Bangladesh brochure in Bengali [scanned]
Arsenic poisoning
of Bangladesh groundwater, 1998. Ross Nickson, John McArthur, William Burgess,
Kazi Matin Ahmed, Peter Ravenscroft, Mizanur Rahman. Nature
338. This is an HTML version (29k total
for text + linked graphics) republished here permission Nature.
Village health workers can
test tubewell water for arsenic [1998]. Article by BRAC,
a Bangladeshi development organisation, describes its programme of village-based
health workers carrying out large scale testing campaigns of tubewell water.
The Need for an International Data Base
for Arsenic, Feb 1998. Text of the talk given by Richard Wilson, D. Phil, Harvard
University at: International
Conference on Arsenic Pollution of Ground Water in Bangladesh: Causes Effects
and Remedies.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Arsenic Problem and Water
Resource Management in Bangladesh [December 98]. Conference
organized by Dhaka Community Hospital
& Emergency Arsenic Programme of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (HFW). Includes results from the 200 villages covered by the Emergency Arsenic Mitigation Programme
(Rapid Action Programme - RAP) implemented by DCH.
List of conference papers and selected
abstracts from the International Conference on Arsenic Pollution of Ground Water
in Bangladesh: Causes, Effects, and Remedies. [8-12 February
1998]. Conference organized by Dhaka Community Hospital & School of
Environment Environment Studies, Jadavpur University, Calcutta.
Paper for the Feb 1998 Dhaka conference by Dr.
Aftab Alam Khan, Geohazard Research Group, Geology Dept,
Dhaka University.
Recommendations for action - arsenic in drinking water and resulting
arsenic toxicity in India and Bangladesh, 1997. This report is the output
of the WHO Regional consultation in May 1997 at New Delhi. HTML version presented here was scanned
from the WHO printed booklet. [The WHO library now has a scanned
Arsenic articles from The Daily Star Internet
Edition archives, 17 Jul 97 to 20 Dec 97. These articles were selected and provided to ACIC
by The Daily Star. This selection of arsenic articles is provided here,
because though the DS full archives are available online, they are not
currently searchable.
Arsenic Special Issue, Bangladesh Centre
for Advance Studies Newsletter, Jan-Mar 1997, Vol. 8 No. 1.
Arsenic in ground water in six districts
of West Bengal, India, 1996. Dipankar Das, Gautam Samanta, Badal Kumar
Tarit Roy Chowdhury, Chitta Ranjan Chanda, Partha Pratim Chowdhury, Gautam
Kumar Basu and Dipankar Chakraborti. Environmental
Geochemistry & Health 18,
5-15. This is an HTML
version (415k total for text + linked graphics) republished here permission EGH.
Paper for the 1995 Calcutta conference by Dr. Aftab Alam
Khan, Geohazard Research Group, Geology Dept,
Dhaka University.
Sylvia Mortoza Articles
Seven articles by Sylvia Mortoza, most have been published in the Bangladesh
- Arsenic contamination - searching for
solutions - 1997
- Arsenic
contamination - who will be our saviour? 1997
- Now that time is fast running out - 2001
- Arsenic revisited - 2002
- Arsenic contamination -
points for consideration - 1997
- Arsenic contamination
- too formidable a foe 2001
- Arsenic
- alarm warning!
- Arsenic reducing techniques & unwarranted hurdles - 14 Jan 03
- Arsenic poisoning - a national and personal tragedy - 17 Feb 03

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Dipankar Chakraborti Documents Md. Jakariya M.Sc. thesis 2000 - Community perspective, As mitigation, BGD Bangladesh National Water Management Plan (2000): Arsenic Sections BGS/MMI: Exec Summary, Main report Phase I BGD GW Studies As Contamination BAMWSP - TA TOR UNICEF Brochure Nickson et al 1998: Arsenic Poisoning of BGD Groundwater BRAC: Village Health Workers Can Test Tubewell Water (1998) Wilson: Need for an Intl Database for Arsenic - 15 Feb 98 Proceedings Dhaka Dec 1998 Conf Paper List & Selected Abstracts, Dhaka Feb 1998 Conf WHO: Recommendations for Action Daily Star: Arsenic Crisis Articles 17 Jul-20 Dec 1997 News From Bangladesh Articles - 11 Jan 2001 to present BCAS Newsletter: Arsenic Special Issue Das et al 1996: Arsenic groundwater 6 dist W Bengal Sylvia Mortoza articles