
Reference shelf

environment and water resources books
Management Practices for Irrigated Agriculture & the Environment
- Schaack & Anderson (eds.) U.S. Committee Irrigation
(March 1998)

- Clean
Water-Clean Environment-21st Century: Team Agriculture-Working to Protect
Water Resources
- Am. Soc. Ag. Eng. (1995)
- Common
Sense and Other Heresies: Selected Papers on Hydrology and Water Resources
Engineering. Canadian Water Resources Association volume of twenty
papers by Dr. Vit Klemes, arguably the best known Canadian
authority on hydrology and water resources engineering. Paper topics
include: philosophy of hydrologic modelling, frequency analysis of
floods and droughts, risk analysis and analysis of geophysical time series.
The final chapter, "Climate Change and Impact," brings together all
these themes.
of Educational Materials on the Water Environment
- Alliance for Environmental Education Inc., Terri Talas
(illustrator) (1992)
& Pathways of Lead, Mercury, Cadium & Arsenic in the Environment:
Scope 31
- Hutchinson &Meema (Eds.) 1987
- Water
Development & the Environment
- James et al. Lewis Publishers (1992)

development books

on Asia and related topics
- Lonely
Planet Bangladesh '96: Travel Survival Kit Lonely Planet (1996)
- Teach
Yourself Bengali: A Complete Course for Beginners
William Radice (1994) SOAS
Shock!: Successful Living Abroad - a Wife's Guide by Robin Pascoe
Rise & Fall of British Empire Lawrence James, St Martin's Press,
(Aug 1997)

environment and water resources links
Metalist: list of lists (others' hotlists + specialized search engines)
- United Nations Environment Programme Global Resource Information Database
- Directory
of Organizations and Institutes Active In Environmental Monitoring
- Environmental
agencies on the Web - World Bank NIPR's list of EA's around the world that are using public Internet
- Environmental
Organization Web Directory
- Yahoo!
- /Society_and_Culture/Environment_and_Nature/Water_Resources/
Water environment organizations, programmes, standards, consulting
- CIESIN - Centre International
Earth Science Information Network
- International Joint Commission
- established in 1909 to assist the U.S. and Canada in decisions regarding
the lakes and waterways that lie along and between the two countries.
- Interwater
- Guide to sources of information about water and sanitation in developing
countries ... maintained by a group of water and sanitation partner institutions
under the auspices of the Water
Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council.
- International
Network of Basin Organizations. - network of organizations interested in
river basin management
- International
Network on Water, Environment and Health of The
United Nations University - New member of the U.N. University organization
created in 1996 with core funding from the Government of Canada. Objectives
are to strengthen developing and other countries' water management capacities
to provide on-the-ground project support, .with minimal overhead and flexibility
to assemble multi-disciplinary multi-national teams to meet a given need
- IRN - International Rivers
- Monitoring
and Research Programmes
- Ramsar Convention
- Water Environment Federation
- Not-for profit technical and educational organization, founded in 1928
and based in Virginia USA. Goal is to preserve and enhance global water
environment, members number more than 41,000 water quality professionals
and specialists from around the world (engineers, scientists, government
officials, utility and industrial managers and operators, academics, educators
and students, equipment manufacturers and distributors, etc)
- Wetland
International - Africa Europe Middle East
Asia & Middle East
- Middle East
Water Information Network
- Mekong Committee
- South-East Asian Deltas
Research & Reference Site
- At this site: Thailand:
Chao Phraya delta, water pricing for irrigation
- Wetlands
International Indonesia Programme
- Wetlands
International Asia-Pacific
- UNDP in India
- Cooperative
Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology - Canberra - The Centre exists
to provide the ecological basis for the sustainable management of Australian
temperate region surface waters.
- Alberta
Environmental Protection
- Alberta Research Council
- AB Environment Centre (Vegreville) is now under ARC. No environment home
page at the ARC website, unfortunately, but see the site
map for water environment related pages.
- British
Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands, & Parks - Water Quality Branch
- Canadian
Water Resources Association
- Environment
- Federal Environmental
Assessment in Canada
- northwest hydraulic
- National
Water Research Institute, Ontario Canada
- Natural
Resources Canada
- Roche ltée - Groupe-conseil
- Water
Resources Engineering, University of Alberta
United States
- Agency
Toxic Substances Disease Registry (US)
- California EPA
Home Page
- Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley
- National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences - outstanding institute for research
on environment-related diseases
- National Rural Water Association
- America's largest utility membership association serving over 18,000
water and wastewater utilities
- Society for Risk Analysis
- multidisciplinary international open forum for anyone interested in risk
- PRISM-USA Duckweed
- US Army
Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Centre
- US Department of Agriculture
- USEPA Office of Water
- Baltic Sea region on-line environmental information resources for Internet
access. "The place to go when you seek information on the Baltic Sea
Region, have information to provide, or wish to communicate with others
in the region." Pretty cool site and what an acronym! (acronym wanna-be?)
- Danish Hydraulic Institute
- research and consulting organisation developing and applying advanced
methods and technologies within hydraulic and water resources engineering.
- European Environment Agency
- Institute of Irrigation
Studies, University of Southampton
- Institute
of Inland Water Mgmt. Waste Water Treatment Netherlands (RIZA)
- IHE-Delft - International
Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering,
The Netherlands. Leading institute for international postgraduate education,
playing an important role in the development of human resources in the
environmental, water and transportation sectors
- IRC International
Water & Sanitation Centre, The Hague, The Netherlands
- Stockholm Environment Institute
(SEI) - international institute for environmental technology & management
- Water, Engineering & Development Centre, Loughborough University
of Technology
- Welcome to
Water quality related
- New
Ideas in Pollution Regulation - Primary source for materials produced
by the World Bank's Economics of Industrial Pollution Control Research
- Water
Quality Branch, British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks
- Canadian
Water Quality Guidelines
- International Association
on Water Quality
- World
Health Organization water quality publications
Laboratory equipment
- Environmental
Organization WebDirectory - Water Resources:Environmental Water Products
- Aquaonline
- Perkin
- Shimadzu

development links
Hotlists + specialized search engines
- Yahoo!:Government:International_Organizations
Information sources
- British
Library DEVLINE: DEVelopment information service onLINE
- E-waternews.com -
web site offering up to date tenders and contract news on water projects in
the developing regions.
- International Development
- Institute for Global
Communications (IGC) - nonprofit organization providing alternative
information for progressive individuals and organizations working on peace,
economic and social justice, human rights, environmental protection, labor
issues and conflict resolution.. Outgrowth of PeaceNet, founded in Palo
Alto CA in 1986.
- World
Times/WorldPaper - fresh perspectives on key global issues of the day
that transcend national boundaries
UN organizations
- Yahoo!
- Government:International Organizations:United Nations
- FAO - Food and Agriculture
- IFAD - International
Fund for Agricultural Development
- UNICEF - United Nations
Children's Fund
- UNDP - United
Nations Development Programme
- UNESA - United Nations
Economic and Social Development
- UNESCO - United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNOPS - United Nations
Office of Project Services
- WHO - World Health Organization
Donor agencies
- ADB - Asian Development
- EBRD - European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development
- The World Bank
- Canadian International Development Agency
- JICA - Japan
International Cooperation Fund
- USAID - US Agency
for International Development
- CARE International - Cooperative
for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
- IISD - International
Institute for Sustainable Development

International community information
- Bangladesh International
Community News
- Bangladesh
Agrosanitation Project Report 1
- Bangladesh
Centre for Advanced Studies
- Dhaka Community
- Local Government Engineering
- Salvation
Army Bangladesh - Tran Sena

This web page (previously international environment
& development professional's home page) created by water environment
international. All site pages (c)
wei. Last modified 16 November, 2003. Comments? Problems? Email wei@bicn.com.
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