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REFERENCESAli, M. Youssouf, 1991: National conservation strategy of Bangladesh, towards sustainable development -- fisheries resources of Bangladesh. Min. Environ. For, Nat. Conservation Strategy Secretariat, and Bangladesh Ag. Res. Council, Dhaka. 96 pp.Anderson, F.P., 1900: The effects of the earthquake in 1897 on the Shaistaganj division of the Assam-Bengal Railway. Minutes Proc. Inst. Civil. Engrg., 141, pp.258-261. Azadi, Mohammad Ali, 1985: Spawning of commercial freshwater fish and brackish and marinewater shrimps of Bangladesh. Fish. Info. Bull., 2(2). 74 pp. Bangladesh Cent. Adv. Stud., 1989: Experimental project for new and improved management of open water fisheries in Bangladesh. Dhaka. 313 pp. Cooke, J. Barry, 1984: Progress in rockfill dams. Eighteenth Am. Soc. Civ. Engg. Terghazi Lecture. Chong, K.-C., Nazrul Islam, and Monowara Begum, 1991. Analysis of the constraints to and potential and opportunities for expanded fish production in Bangladesh. UNDP/FAO Institutional strengthening in the fisheries sector in Bangladesh, proj. BGD/87/045, field doc. 91/07. 129 pp. de Vries, M. 1971: Solving river problems by hydraulic and mathematical models. Delft Hydraulics Lab., Pub. 76-II. FAP 15, 1992: Land acquisition and resettlement study -- final report. Prepared by HIFAB International and Multidisciplinary Action Research and funded by SIDA for the Bangladesh Ministry of Irrigation, Water Development, and Flood Control and Flood Plan Coordination Organization. November. 176 pp. FAP 16, 1992: Manual for impact assessment, Vol. 1. Prepated by ISPAN for the Bangladesh Ministry of Irrigation, Water Development, and Flood Control and Flood Plan Coordination Organization. March. 7 chapters + 3 appendices. FAP 19 and FAP 16, 1992: EIA case study, compartmentalization pilot project. Prepared by ISPAN for the Bangladesh Ministry of Irrigation, Water Development, and Flood Control and Flood Plan Coordination Organization. December. 10 chapter + 6 appendices. FPCO and MOI, 1992: Guidelines for environmental impact assessment. Prepared by ISPAN for the Bangladesh Ministry of Irrigation, Water Development, and Flood Control and Flood Plan Coordination Organization. October. 75 pp. French Engineering Consultants, 1989: Pre-feasibility study for flood control in Bangladesh, Vol. 2. Henderson, F., 1963: Stability of alluvial channels. Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Engg., 128, pp. 657ff. Jansen, Robert B., 1983: Dams and public safety. Water resources technical publication, U.S. Dept. Interior, Bur. Reclamation. Joglekar, D. U., 1971: Manual on river behaviour, control, and training. Pub. No. 60, Cent. Board Irrig. Power, New Delhi, 430 pp. Lacey, G. H., 1929: Stable channels in alluvium. Min. Proc. Inst. Civ. Engg. 229, London, pp. 259-292. Petersen, Margaret, 1986: River engineering. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 580 pp. Rahman, A. K. A., 1989: Freshwater fishes of Bangladesh. Zool. Soc. Bangladesh, Dhaka. 364 pp. SLI/NHC Joint Venture, 1989: Inception report, Haor Development Project Bangladesh -- working draft. CIDA proj. 170/13339, September. SLI/NHC Joint Venture, 1990: Inception report, Northeast Regional Water Management Project. CIDA proj. 170/13339, April. Simons, D. B. and M. L. Albertson, 1960: Uniform water conveyance channels in alluvial material. Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Engg., J. Hydraulics Div., 86, pp. 33ff. Tsai, Chu-Fa and Liaquat Ali, 1985: Openwater fisheries (carp) management programme in Bangladesh. Fish. Info. Bull., 2(4). 55 pp. World Bank, 1991: Bangladesh fisheries sector review. Ag. Oper. Div., Washington D.C. 195 pp. World Bank, 1992: Development and the environment -- world development indicators. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 308 pp. World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987: Our common future. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 383 pp. | end of document |
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