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Initial Environmental Evaluation, Northeast Regional Water Management Plan, Bangladesh Flood Action Plan 6

Glossary of Terms


Biophysical - Those aspects or components of the environment which are physical, chemical, or biological; includes air, soil, water, wild and domestic plants and animals.

Compensation - Counterbalance adverse impacts through cash payment, replacement in kind, provision of substitutes, etc. Compare mitigation.

Environment - The totality of the natural and human environments, including both biophysical and socio-economic aspects and components.

Environmental Management Plan - A plan to undertake an array of follow-up activities which provide for the sound environmental managment of a project so that adverse environmental impacts are minimized and mitigated; beneficial environmental effects are maximized; and sustainable development is ensured.

Impact - A project's impacts consist of: all changes that the project causes to the environment; all changes that the environment causes to the project; and all cumulative impacts to which the project contributes. Impacts of the Regional Plan are defined in terms of the difference between the future-with-Plan (FW) situation in 2015 and the future-without-plan (FWO) situation in 2015.

Initial environmental evaluation - Pre-feasibility level environmental impact assessment: characterization of potential environmental impacts at a level of information and analysis consistent with parent pre-feasibility-level study. Emphasis is on (1) making sure that all potentially significant impacts are identified and characterized to an indicative level, typically on the basis of available secondary data and past experience in both local and other locations, and (2) identifying environmental management issues and options. Subsequent EIA included in feasibility studies then consists of a review of IEE impact identification, impact assessment including collection of needed primary field data, and preparation of detailed technical and institutional designs for environmental management measures.

Important environmental components(IECs) - Those components of the biophysical or socioeconomic environment of importance to one or more of the interested parties (including future interested parties who cannot participate in the scoping)that could be impacted by the proposed intervention.

Interested parties - Includes all with an interest in the project and in the environment that could be affected by it: residents of the project area and external areas subject to project impacts; elected representatives; government officials; professionals; representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs); the general public; donor organizations; international agencies.

Mitigation - Elimination, reduction, or control of the adverse environmental impacts of a project. Compare compensation.

Proponent - With respect to a project: persons, bodies, authorities, governments, or donors that propose the project, are responsible for preparation of the project, including the environmental assessment or are responsible for project implementation.

Residual impact - Impact that remains after implementation of the project and all associated mitigation and other environmental management measures.

Scoping - Process by which important environmental issues, project alternatives, and important environmental components are identified by the interested parties.


aman - Rice grown in the monsoon (Kharif-II) season.

aus - Rice grown in the late dry/early monsoon (Kharif-I) season.

beel - Permanent water body; lake.

boro - Rice grown in the dry season.

boro mach - Large fish.

chara - Hill stream.

chotto mach - Small fish.

duar - Deep water scour holes in river beds, important as overwintering habitat for fish brood stock.

haor - River back swamp.

jal - Fishing net.

jalmohal - Geographical/administrative unit of (dry season) openwater fishery habitat, such as a beel or group of beels, or a section of river or channel.

katha - Piles of tree branches and bushes set on river and beel bottoms which attract fish by providing shelter from predators and increased bark and periphyton food supply.

khal - Channel.

nirbahi - Executive.

nodi - River.

parishad - Council.

rabi - Dry season.

thana - Administrative unit.

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