Article From News From Bangladesh archives 96 p.c. tubewells found arsenic contaminated in 12 villages of Chuadanga CHUADANGA, June 6:–The Public Health in all the four Upazilas of the district like Chuadanga Sadar, Alamdanga, Damurhuda and Jibannagar is being threatened due to increasing arsenic contamination in ground water, reports BSS. According to Chuadanga District Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) sources, water of over 30 per cent tubewells in four upazilas is more or less arsenic contaminated. The PHED of the district has earlier tested over 1400 hand driven tubewells here, of which, 583 are government hand driven tubewells and 834 private hand pump tubewells. Out of 583, tubewells maximum arsenic was found in 130 government hand pump tubewells. On the other hand, out of 834 private hand pump tubewells, arsenic was found in 120 tubewells. Recently a non-government organisation named "Integrated Service for Development of Children and Mothers" (ISDCM) worked in Damurhuda Upazila of the district in co-operation with the PHED and UNICEF for detecting arsenic in this upazila. This NGO tested the water of 17,946 hand pump tubewells of 124 villages of seven unions and one Pourasabha of Damurhuda Upazila of the district According to the report published by this NGO, the water of about 30 per cent hand pump tubewells are contaminated with arsenic. The worst condition has been prevalling in Gopinathpur village of Juranpur union, Kamar Para village of Madna union, Subolpur Kanchantala and Kanaidanga villages of Karpashdanga union, Azampur village under Darsana pourasabha, Hatibhanga, Kushaghata, Amdanga and Protappur villages under Damurhuda union, Durgapur village under Kurul Gachi union and Notun Basto pur village under Hawly union. Water of 60 to 96 per cent hand pump tubewells of the 12 villages are arsenic contaminated and the tubewells are marked with red paint. (BSS)
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