Forums / Discussion Groups
ACIC Arsenic Forum at
- This forum merges four earlier groups: arsenic-crisis-news (monthly
newsletter); arsenic-source (discussion of arsenic geochemistry, geohydrology, measurement & analysis techniques, etc.),
arsenic-safewater (alternative water supplies & water treatment technologies,
socioeconomic considerations for successful remediation), arsenic-medical (epidemiology, disease mechanisms, symptoms, treatment,
socioeconomic considerations related to health effects & treatment, etc.)
Other Forums
WaterForum -
"a free and open forum for discussion of surface water and groundwater
resources issues including: drinking water, wetlands, wastewater, irrigation,
recreational use, fisheries and wildlife use, aquaculture, coastal studies and
oceanography, environmental and public health issues, contamination, computer
modeling, and other relevant water resources topics. (15,000 subscribers around the world)."
