Project data
and reports, groundwater studies for arsenic contamination in Bangladesh
(BGS/MMI Phase 1, 1998-2000). Available information includes
rsenic concentrations
at wells sampled by BGS during the "Groundwater studies for arsenic contamination
in Bangladesh - Phase I." 475kb .dbf file. 2024 records. Each record contains:
RIP_No, BGS_No, Longitude, Latitude, Geocode, District, Thana, Union,
Mouza, Year_Const, Well_Type, Date_Sampl, Depth_Ft, Geol_Unit, Lithology, Provenance,
As_Mg/L. [Note: I was unable
to read this .dbf file with MS-Access. I was able to read it with MS-Excel. Before downloading,
you may want to set your browser's application preferences
to "save to disk" for files of type .dbf. If you still have difficulties, try downloading one of the
ACIC self-extracting zip versions of this file:
- Excel
worksheet (.xls, 208kb) or
- Database
format (.dbf, 112kb).]
Water quality data,
groundwater arsenic problem in Bangladesh (BGS Phase 2)
